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Урок английского языка в 9 "Б" классе по теме «Travelling abroad: why not?»


Урок английского языка в 9

"Б" классе по

теме «Travelling abroad: why not?»

Дата проведения:

15.02.2017       9-20

Учитель: Башкова


Цель урока: Закрепление лексико-грамматических навыков по

теме «Путешествие».

Задачи урока:

1) Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического

владения английским языком в рамках данной темы по всем видам речевой

деятельности: аудированию, устной речи, чтению и письма.

2) Отработать лексический материал по теме «Путешествие», «Транспорт», «Города и страны».

3) Повысить интерес к изучению английского языка.

4) Способствовать расширению кругозора учащихся.


Презентационный материал (проекты), выполненный в Power



Карточки с буквами, странами и первооткрывателями.

Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент

Good morning students! How are you today? Who's on duty today? What date is

it today? What holiday is celebrated today? Any guesses? Who can name our

today's topic of the lesson? Right, it's travelling!

Let's recollect the famous discoverrers, whom you can

name? Good, now divide into 3 groups and receive the picture of one of the

travellers and try to unscramble their names and present it. Each row gets 2

pictures and try to know who are they.

Let's talk about travelling and what it means to you.

(2nd slide)

Why do people travel?

Where can we travel?

What sights are we going to see?

How can we travel?

What things do we need for travelling?.

Travelling abroad


What sight to see?  How?

What things do you need?  How?

Discussion of the proverbs (3rd slide)


East or West home is best.


There is no place like home.


Custom is the second nature.


Fortune favors the bold.

Dry bread at home is better, than roast meat abroad.

Every country has its customs.

2. Фонзарядка

Let us listen and repeat the name of some countries. Mind

the usage of definite article. Let us remember: we use the definite article

with the name of the countries

Book page 135 section with countries and cities.

And now tell me what foreign countries you’d like to


Well done! Let's guess riddles connected with cities of

the world.

"In this city there's a square of ancient museum.

Gladiators fought there bravely on the colisium arena" Rome

"The symbol of peace and love, this city is found

on every map. There are an Effel tower and Notre dame de Paris situated"


"Tea is drunk here when Big Ben strikes 5.

Double-deckers are all red ride here and there" London

"Their Great Wall is seen from space. Has more

than 2 billions of people in this land" China

"Water, bridges everywhere, boats and narrow

streets. That's where the famous festival is held" Venice

"Everywhere you can find skyskrapers. Yellow cabs

run so fast. Statue of Liberty welcomes you" New York

"Wide cirlces has its city. Bright red star on

the Kremlin shines." Moscow

"Lots of bridges, lots of canals. It's the

motherland of tupils and most rained city in the Europe" Amsterdam

"Best cars are made in here. Branderburg's gates

in the city centre." Berlin

Let us start with the question “Why do people travel


To rest

To see the sights

To make friends

To discover new places

To practice the language

To visit new places

To know customs and traditions

To taste national food

To find new impressions

To enrich outlook

Why do you want to travel abroad?

3. Обучение аудированию

And now let us listen to people who travelled abroad.

They are speaking about the places they spent their holidays.

Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между

высказываниями каждого говорящего 1-5 и утверждениями, данными в списке A-F.

Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой , только

один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите каждую

аудиозапись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Speaker 1.

My favourite holiday was in Paris, a couple of years ago.

I really love seeing the sights. We went to the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre. We

saw everything! I love buying souvenirs, too. I got a lovely model of the

Eiffel Tower.

Speaker 2.

I went to Ibiza last year, and had a great time! There’s

such great nightlife there that I didn’t actually see much of the place we

stayed in! we went clubbing all night, and just chilled out in the day in the

hotel! We were on a budget, so we couldn’t do anything too expensive. We saved

our money for the clubs.

Speaker 3.

I’m going to work my way round South America. I’ve taken

a course in how to teach English, and I’m going to use that to help me to

travel. I’m going to go to unusual places, a bit off the beaten tracks. I don’t

like places where you just meet lots of people from your own country.

Speaker 4.

I was walking along the Great Wall of China. It was early

in the morning, so there was nobody there, except a man walking his goats.

Parts of the wall looked like they had been built in the clouds. The hills and

the wall are stretching out as far as you can see.

Speaker 5.

I went to Grand Canyon with my family. We’d been walking

for a few hours. We felt very happy to be there because we had heard about the

Canyon, how beautiful it was. And it was very, very big.

4. Закрепление лексических навыков устной речи

So, tell me how can we visit all these places?. It’s time

to discuss the means of transport.

How can we travel?


By train

By plane

By bus BUT on foot

By car

By ship

What is the quickest (the slowest, the most comfortable,

the most expensive, the cheapest way of travelling?

How can we get to Britain?

5. Обучение диалогической речи

Now let us play this game. Your are going to spend your

summer holidays in the UK. One of you will be the tourist , another one – a

travel agent.

Ask the travel agent about the way you got to the

country, the conditions and duration of journey.

How can I get to …?

You can go there by …

How long does it take to go there?

Three hours

How much is the ticket?

75 pounds.

London, Belfast, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Cardiff, Liverpool,


6. Обучение чтению.

And now let us make a trip around the UK. I want you to

travel around all its parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. You

task is to read the texts and find the one which can describe your photo. Find

the name of your sight on the blackboard and stick the photo.


1. Loch Ness

2. The Costwolds

3. Giants Causeway

4. Stonehenge

5. Puzzlewood

6. Snowdonia

A. Ireland is a very beautiful island. It is famous for

its breathtaking mountains, peaceful valleys and freshwater lakes. The unique

sight is situated in the north of Ireland. It is an area of 40,000 joined

columns. According to a legend many, many years ago an Irish giant, Finn

MacCool, fell in love with a nice woman giant, who lived in Scotland. However,

the cold Irish Sea separated the two giants. So Finn MacCool started to build a

bridge, so that his girlfriend could walk across the sea.

Nowadays, it is one of the most famous Irish wonders of

nature. Thousands of tourists go there every year.

B.This area is known as Area of Outstanding Natural

Beauty. It is situated in south central England on the range of rolling hills.

It lies across the boundaries of several English counties; mainly

Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire, and parts of Wiltshire, Somerset,

Worcestershire and Warwickshire. This area is one of England's favourite

destinations; famous for hundreds of honey-colour limestone villages of

17th-18th century in a beautiful rural setting. In summer time, the area offers

fantastic walking and cycling, beautiful gardens, bustling farmers' markets and

a delightful cafe culture.

C. It is a popular and the most picturesque outdoor

tourist destination in Gloucestershire, England. It's filled with beautiful

moss-covered rocks, bridges, and fantastic rock and tree formations that can be

accessed by miles of winding pathways. An enchanting place, it is said to have

served as the inspiration for J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. In

addition to the forest, there are farm animals, outdoor picnic tables, a cafe,

a gift shop, and a children's playground in the area. Some of the animals kept

in its include cattle, wild fowl, rabbits, donkeys, Soay sheep, goats, and

Shetland ponies..

D.It is one of the most known attractions in England,

being at the same time one of the earliest prehistoric European monuments. It

is the remains of a ring of standing stones set within earthworks. It was built

on the Salisbury plain in 3000 BC and till now there only guesses, who and how

created it. People built it with bluestones and sarsen stones. There are only

suggestions why people built it. Maybe they used it as a cemetery or a place

for studying the sun and the stars. Maybe it was also a temple. It's still a

special place for some people today. Every year, on June 21st, lots of people

go to Stonehenge to celebrate the longest day of the year.

E. Lakes, castles, waterfalls, and steam railways create

a surreal experience right out of Lord of the Rings. An area of outstanding

natural beauty, this National Park is set in northern Wales and visitors can

paddle their feet on a sandy beach in the morning and be sitting atop the

highest peak in England and Wales that same day. The region is very popular for

hiking, mountaineering, white-water kayaking, and other outdoor pursuits. It

features Mount Snowdon, the highest mountain in Wales at 1085m (3560 ft). It is

also an area steeped in history and legend as the natural fortress for the

Princes of Gwynedd and for Llewellyn, the last true Prince of Wales.

F.It is purportedly the most famous lake in the world and

one of the most visited locations in Scotland. It is a large, deep lake which

is allegedly the home of the famous monster. Another interesting feature you

can find here is the only known island around it, dubbed as Cherry Island. What

makes this island peculiar is that it is a man made islands built during the

Iron Age. This can only be accessible through a canoe. Aside from sight-seeing

and monster hunting, there is so much to do here .You can take short walks

along paths to the ‘Trail of the Seven Lochs’. This trail is an amazing place

for hiking, stretching about 50 miles of pathways with spectacular views. Aside

from hiking you can also do varied activities: golfing, fishing, horseback

riding, and more fun activities for the whole family.


7. Закрепление лексических навыков устной речи

But what do we need to travel abroad?

A passport    Money    A visa    A

camera     An insurance    A

ticket   Luggage

8. Рефлексивно-оценочный этап

To finish our lesson, let’s remember proverbs about

travelling. Match two parts and translate them. Work in pairs.

There is no place home is best.

East or West its customs.

Dry bread at home is better, like home.

Every country has, than roast meat abroad.

Marks for the lessons are following:...

Thank you for the lesson! Hope you enjoyed it like I

did! Goodbye!



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